Today I am working the 9:30-6:30 shift at work as apposed to my usual 8:30 and I was reminded of how much I miss just hanging out with Gus in the mornings. Usually Josh and I are moving about getting everything ready for the day. I have time to make sure Gus' basic needs are met and then we are out the door. But this morning he and I relaxed and played and sang about almost everything we did. He was in a good mood and so was I so this made for some sweet morning time and memories that I will cling to.
I also feel some sadness that I don't get to do this as much as I want! I enjoy working and I love that Gus goes to school with other children and with amazing teachers who really love him and who he loves back. However, I do wish that this didn't happen all day, every day of the week. I felt so connected to him today and I so missed the days where we didn't have to rush off all of the time but could spend much of our days just being together and exploring the world. Being his mom is my most precious of roles in life and I am just wishing I had more quality time to spend with him.
I don't know if it's because I stayed home with him for his first year or because he's becoming more independent but for the first time I find myself feeling sad that he's growing up. Don't get me wrong, I love all the ages he's been and I really do think that he's growing up to be an amazing person but I think it's that I'm not soaking in as much time as I used to. I hear people say they feel this way a lot but I have only walked by that camp but now I'm having an extended visit. If you know what I mean.
Ok, but to catalog some of the sweet things my amazing son did this morning:
~Pulled toilet paper off of the role, put it up to my nose and made a blowing sound. I caught on and blew my nose. We both giggled. Then he took a piece for himself and blew his nose as well. We giggled again.
~Looked around for Noni & Pops. Josh's parent just left from almost a week long visit. WE had a great time and Gus noticed that they weren't here. He found their pic on the fridge and pointed to it. He held his hands up as if to say, "where did they go?"
~We took a shower together and he has the most intrigued face as he tries to grad the stream of water.
~WANTED MY COFFEE! I'm not kidding. My bold, black, Starbucks coffee. I once let him taste it thinking he would hate it....I was wrong. Sometimes I fix him green tea in a mug but he knows that's not the real thing.
~Sang E-I-E-I-O with me as I sang "Old McDonald"
~Made animal sounds after I named the animals. His first ever was quack but sounded more like "kak". My favorite is what he does when I ask him what the pig says. In Gus' world the pig blinks and squints it's eyes. Maybe he noticed something I didn't.
~Gave me tons of hugs and an open-mouthed kiss. This kid is so affectionate and I love it. He hugs his cousins and classmates and pretty much everyone that looks familiar.
~Sat on the potty and clapped for himself. We also sang songs and he did some of the motions to "Itsy Bitsy Spider". He never misses the sun coming out.
~Put his potty seat in the toilet. Ooops.
Those are just a few of the things that we did this morning.
Hey Gussy,
Thanks for hanging out with me this morning. I really love spending time with you. You have become quite adventurous and seem to love exploring the world around you. I can't wait to see how your curiosity and adventurous spirit unfold within you as your life continues. I hope that no matter what age or stage we are in that we can find ways to connect and enjoy our time together. You are smart and kind already and I don't think that I could possibly enjoy you any more than I do. I love you so much!
PS: would you please carry your adventurous spirit over to the food area of you life and dig in to some veggies?
february 22...
6 years ago
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